Fats, Oil, & Grease (FOG)
San Clemente's 24 Hour Pollution Reporting Hotline is (949) 366-1553
The City of San Clemente owns and maintains the public sanitary sewer system serving the community. Under new statewide general waste discharge requirements, the City is mandated to institute a comprehensive FOG control program. FOG that enters the sewer system from kitchen sinks and drains eventually hardens and coats the inside of sewer pipes.
Over a short period of time FOG residues build up in the sewer pipes and begin to restrict flows until the FOG build-up completely blocks the normal flow of sewage. The blockage causes the flow of sewage to exit from the sanitary sewer system at the nearest outlet that is most commonly a manhole, clean-out, or broken pipe, and flow into the storm drainage system. As a coastal community it takes very little time for a sewage spill to enter our ocean waters. Sewer spills are public health hazards, they cause negative environmental impacts, they are costly to cleanup, and they are preventable.